
Create a Lagoon in minutes and start loading your data. Aggregate raw application data in an Iceberg data lake, transform with dbt, and enforce compliance requirements.

Self Host

  1. Request an Access Role for free from our team.
  2. Open the SAR application in your AWS account.
  3. Enter the Access Role ARN in the AccessRole field and click Deploy.

Done! Look for the serverlessrepo-mytiki-lagoon stack in your CloudFormation console. The main entry point for interacting with your Lagoon is the S3 bucket named mytiki-lagoon-<account-id>-<region>.

Managed Service

We're starting to roll out a managed service, where your Lagoon will be hosted by us in a dedicated, isolated AWS account. Ideal for customers who are not AWS experts or are looking for a simple plug-and-play solution.

To apply for access to our beta, just book a call with our team.